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Complete quests and earn rewards in ETH!

Enter the details below to start earning ETH with Vibe-to-Earn today!

Spread awareness about The Humanians SEASON 2 on social media to earn your share of 33% of our new collection mint revenue!

The way VIBE to EARN works is simple:
Find quests within our #vibe-to-earn channel on Discord!
Quests are simple tasks that will help to spread the word of Humania on social media and beyond.

After you complete the quest, you will earn a set amount of crystals.

Img Vibe to Earn

We will keep track of how many quests you completed, and after the mint, we will allocate the winnings, where you’ll be able to claim your % share directly to your ETH wallet!

Quests are open to everyone to complete, but we want to reward our community members with a little bit of extra love by applying multipliers!

Here is how we multiply your rewards:

Non-holder – 1x
The Humanians NFT Holder – 1.5x
Humanians Hero – 2x  
